Select Publications
“Investigation of a Distinctive Plant-Based Black Paint on Bwa and Mossi Polychrome Wood Masks from Burkina Faso”, Stephanie E. Hornbeck and Richard Newman, in Technè 56, Matières noires, sens et substances, 2, 2023, p. 16-25.
“Post-Disaster Cultural Recovery in Haiti, 2010-2021: Reflections on a Decade of Collaboration”, Olsen Jean-Julien and Stephanie E. Hornbeck, in Prioritizing People in Ethical Decision-Making and Caring for Cultural Heritage Collections, edited by Nina Owczarek, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, pp. 140-156.
“Reconstructing Asia’s Ancient Ivory Trade: PCR and NGS Analysis of Elephant Tusk Sections from the Field Museum’s Java Sea Shipwreck Collection”, Lisa C. Niziolek, Stephanie E. Hornbeck, Claire Scott, Gary M. Feinman, Felix Grewe and Cynthia R. Wagner, in Research and Technical Studies Specialty Group Postprints, AIC 49th Annual Meeting, AIC/SPNCH Joint Meeting, May 2021, pp. 103-109.
“Dismantling Antiquated Practices at the Field Museum: Stakeholders, Challenges, and Solutions”, Erin Murphy, Nicole Passerotti and Stephanie Hornbeck, in Conference Preprints: Outside Influences, compiled by Howard Sutcliffe et al., North American Textile Conservation Conference, 13th Biennial Meeting, October 25-29, 2021.
“An Art Conservation Perspective: Saving the African Elephant and Ivory Cultural Heritage”, Terry Drayman-Weisser and Stephanie Hornbeck, in Curator: The Museum Journal, Volume 61, Issue 1, 2018, pp.161-185.
For this invited contribution to a 2018 special double-volume issue of Curator: The Museum Journal devoted to ivory in museum collections, co-authors Terry Drayman-Weisser and Stephanie Hornbeck discuss the conservator’s role working with ivory artifacts and review preservation issues for museums raised by 2016 updates to the Endangered Species Act African elephant rule. The publication editors noted that Drayman-Weisser and Hornbeck’s contribution was among the top 10% of recently downloaded articles. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cura.12226/full
“Altered Surfaces, Taking the Long View: Applications of Ethnographic Conservation Practices to the Conservation of Contemporary Art”, Stephanie Hornbeck and Dana Moffett in Studies in Conservation, Supplementary Issue: “Los Angeles Congress Preprints: Saving the Now,” International Institute for Conservation (IIC), 2016, pp. 84-90.
This article focuses on applications of ethnographic conservation practice to the conservation of contemporary art. Cases studies of conservation treatments of African objects and contemporary sculptures are presented.
“Ivory: Identification and Regulation of a Precious Material” In 2016 this educational resource authored by Stephanie Hornbeck was updated with new content to supplement the original 2010 publication. The publication provides an overview of the context around the use of and demand for African elephant ivory for art and artifacts and its intersection with elephant conservation protections. The American Institute for Conservation has hosted this resource on its website since 2017. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art hosted this resource on its website from 2010-2016. Ivory Identification and Regulation of a Precious Material
“The Care and Documentation of Ivory Objects”, Connecting to Collections Care Webinar. Presented by Stephanie Hornbeck on February 28, 2018, the webinar has been archived for access. This webinar aims to aid collections stewards with ivory objects in their collections. Worked elephant ivory objects will be the focus, although the other mammal ivories will be addressed. While conservation treatment will not be covered, aspects of the presentation may be of interest to conservators. Connecting to Collections Care webinars are sponsored by the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation. The Care and Documentation of Ivory
“A Conservation Conundrum: Ephemeral Art at the National Museum of African Art”, Stephanie E. Hornbeck in African Arts 3(42), Autumn 2009, pp. 52-61. This article addresses the challenges posed by ephemeral materials on conceptual, ethical and practical levels to conservators faced with their preservation, treatment and display. Ethnographic/tradition-based objects and contemporary art share common aspects, including the use of composite, re-purposed, and ephemeral media.
Note: additional publication citations can be found on the “Projects” page.
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